
Just as we journey with families and individuals in times of joy, we are also honoured to provide the comfort and support of a faith community in times of sorrow and grief.

We believe that every human life is sacred.  It is sacred in its being born.  It is sacred in its living.  It is sacred in its dying.

FuneralWhen someone we care about dies, it is good and right that the community should come together to remember them and to commend them more deeply into God’s loving care in death.  Taking time to mark the death of a loved one is part of how we honour the holiness of life.

Our minister facilitates funeral and memorial services in our historic sanctuary as well as in funeral homes and other meaningful locations in our community.  Graveside services are also an option and the church building can be used as a back-up in case of inclement weather if so desired.

You do not need to be a member to have your funeral service through Trinity.

The catering teams facilitated by our UCW offer a variety of menu options for funeral receptions.

If you have questions about death or funeral arrangements for yourself or a loved one, our minister  would be happy to talk with you at any time. Please call the church office (204-857-4471) to set up an appointment.

If you have recently had a death in your family and it is outside of office hours, please feel free to call the emergency pastoral care number(s) on the church answering service at the office number above or ask any of the local funeral homes to contact our minister.

“I feel at home at Trinity through all my life circumstances. At Trinity I experience meaningful and real connection… with myself, with people young and old from a variety of walks of life, and with God.”