Ordinary Life Retreat

Image result for journalingWe know that tending to our spiritual lives helps us live each day with a sense of purpose and deeper compassion for self and others. However, in the rush of ordinary life, it can be hard to set aside time to do that. Many of us would love to go away on retreat more frequently or dedicate an entire day to reflecting on our relationship with God but often that just isn’t realistic.

So this Fall, you are invited to our “Ordinary Life Retreat”. This retreat will take place right where you are in the midst of your everyday life over a six week period starting October 13/14 for those who are able to be part of the Facebook discussion group and a week later (October 21) for those who want print materials.

You can do this wherever you are and at whatever time of day works for you however to get the full benefit of this “retreat” you are encouraged to make the following time commitment for the 6 week period:

  • a half hour some time over the weekend to watch the introductory video and plan for your weekly project
  • a minimum of 15 minutes per day on weekdays to read the daily reflection and spend some time pondering or journaling or creating art about the suggested question  (if it works for you, there would be benefit to reading the reflection in the morning and revisiting it to journal/create/reflect later in the day)
  • a willingness to “notice” the daily reflection theme or “whisper” the daily prayer as you go about your day
  • about an hour (could be more if you are inspired) for the weekly challenge project each week

For those who are on Facebook, there will be a closed discussion group (i.e. posts will only be seen by those who are also participating in the retreat) to reflect together on each day’s theme and our experience with it.  The links to the weekly videos and the daily reflection posts will be posted to this group.  The opportunity to learn from each others’ experience and to support one another as we make this journey will enhance the experience for everyone involved.  For an invitation to join the group, email, Facebook message or otherwise speak to Beth and she will add you.

For those who are not on Facebook, a print version will be available the week after the on-line experience (so starting October 21).

Weekly themes include:

  • practicing gratitude
  • reclaiming solitude and silence
  • nurturing connection
  • celebrating beauty
  • praying creatively
  • embracing life as it is

For more information or to get connected to the Facebook group, contact Beth.  If you want to be part of the print version, let the church office know.  We will produce a weekly booklet for you to pick up in the office each Sunday starting on Sunday, October 21.  Feel free to invite your friends and family who might also be interested.



“I feel at home at Trinity through all my life circumstances. At Trinity I experience meaningful and real connection… with myself, with people young and old from a variety of walks of life, and with God.”