We want everyone who comes into our building for whatever reason to feel welcomed and accepted. To this end, our Leadership Team has approved a “safe space” policy which is posted throughout the building reminding us of our commitment to welcome all people regardless of race, ethnicity, gender expression, sexual orientation, socio-economic background, age, religion or ability.
We are also an Affirming Ministry of the United Church of Canada. Check out our Affirming Vision Statement here or find out more about this program of the United Church of Canada here.
Similarly, we have worked hard at making our building as accessible as possible given the limitations of an historic building. There is a lift at the office entrance at street level on Tupper Street which allows you to access the sanctuary as well as the lower level where the offices and washrooms are located. This lift was replaced in the summer of 2018. This lift is always available but we recommend asking for help if it is your first time using it. There is also a lift in the West Wing of the building (green door with ramp off parking lot) that allows access to the Portage Ukrainian Nursery School as well as Big Brothers/Big Sisters and the parlour and auditorium. This lift requires a key so for large functions there will be someone standing by ready to help you with it. If you anticipate needing it at another time, please just contact the church office or speak to one of the ministers and we will happily make it available.
For Sunday services, we produce large print bulletins for those who would like a little extra magnification. Simply ask at the ushers’ stations for them. There are also hearing assist devices available for all worship services including funerals and weddings that can help those who need a little extra volume to hear the service. Again, just ask at the ushers’ stations.
If you have any questions or concerns about the accessibility of our building or our welcoming policy, please contact us at 204-857-4471.
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