Sunday Evening Video Study

Coming this Fall we will be offering a bi-weekly Sunday Evening study using The Work of the People’s video series “The Ridiculous Journey: Following a Nobody from Nowhere”. It will begin on Sunday September 22 from 4:30-6:30 p.m. and include our supper meal. As supper will be provided the first week (we’ll figure out supper plans further once we know the shape of the group), please register in advance through the Trinity office. You can mark the dates in your calendar now: September 22, October 6, October 20, November 3, November 17, December 1.

Any interested persons are welcome. For those who wish to use this study as an exploration towards baptism or confirmation, we will celebrate that step in early January.

Here is an excerpt from the introduction to the study….

Following A Nobody from Nowhere
A search for purpose and meaning in the events and choices of our lives. A costly journey with an unknown destination. A Middle Eastern homeless man from twenty centuries ago and why he still stirs the souls and imagination of so many.

Each of us gets to choose
the paths we will travel.
They will of course contain
unforeseen surprises
of both the welcome and unwelcome sort.
Where shall we go you and I?
Shall we go along together?
How shall we get there?
And how will we know
when “there” is now “here”?
“Come, follow me,”
a voice interrupts.
Who is this?
A wandering homeless man.
Why should we give up all of this
to follow this nobody from nowhere?
It is a ridiculous journey.
Which, of course, is the only kind there is.
So, let us begin …

“I feel at home at Trinity through all my life circumstances. At Trinity I experience meaningful and real connection… with myself, with people young and old from a variety of walks of life, and with God.”